Destiny 2 Beyond Light: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
On November 10th, Bungie launched their latest expansion for Destiny 2 titled “Beyond Light.” This expansion takes the players to the frozen wasteland of Europa to discover its many secrets and to fight Eramis and her followers. This expansion followed a 5 month season that had some content, but was a bit of a slog. I wouldn’t have played nearly as much as I did if I didn’t have raids to do and seals to earn. With this expansion, they also removed a large portion of the content from the game, so it needed to be good to replace at least a fraction of the lost content.
The Good
So far, this expansion has been better than I had anticipated. The story was solid and the campaign wasn’t too long or too short, it was just right. The new Stasis sub-class was a pleasant surprise since I expected it to be mediocre at best. It is in fact, not mediocre in the slightest, even being broken overpowered at times.
The loot is fantastic, yet is seems like there wasn’t a ton. Good looking armor sets and fun weapons have made this expansion very entertaining. The changes made to Gambit were definitely a step in the right direction, it still suck because it’s Gambit, but it’s getting better.
Crucible is a mess right now because of Stasis being as broken as it is.This would normally be a downside, but since I love hectic PvP gameplay it is a big positive.
The Bad
As I stated earlier, there were very few weapons actually added to the game. If you include the seasonal content there were only 10 or 15 weapons added. Some of these weapons are awesome, some are complete trash.
Enemies in PvE have Stasis, what a mistake. Especially when you are in a mission solo, you get frozen and killed, or you thaw yourself and die after because thawing yourself deals a ton of self-damage, ridiculous.
It genuinely feels like none of this content was playtested, at all. Strikes at the moment are buggier than hell. Exodus Crash had to be disabled due to the spider tank not spawning and locking the strike. Lake of Shadows doesn’t always end when you kill the boss, the only way to end the strike is to wipe and re-kill the boss. Even after you kill him a second time it doesn’t guarantee a completion. There are other places in the strikes where the strike will break and not let the players continue unless they wipe.
Pinnacle rewards are bugged at the moment and Bungie has fixed it relatively quick, yet still was quicker to disable our fun rather than fix our issues.
The Ugly
This season has already been dubbed “Season of the Disable” because Bungie has had to disable so much already. Witherhoard’s DoT was working incorrectly so it got disabled the second day of the expansion. Warlock’s stasis super not only can be used infinitely with a glitch and it can also insta kill bosses as mentioned earlier. Trials of Osiris was disabled because of this. Hunters can now Worldline Skate because of the Shatterdive Stasis Aspect, and Bungie has already promised to nerf it.
It seems like Bungie is quick to nerf/disable the fun stuff, but is slow to fix the things that are an inconvenience to us. On the 17th, there was a Legend Lost Sector that could be farmed very easily and was dropping exotic gauntlets, Sub-1 minute runs were effortless. This meant that people were able to get the new class exotics and farm for better roles with ease. Bungie disabled this in less than two hours.
I love this expansion, I have sunk a ridiculous amount of hours into it prepping for the Day 1 Raid and I plan on playing a lot more. This game is amazing, it just sucks that it feels like Bungie is actively trying to ruin our fun when they nerf things like Hunter Skating. I dislike playing a Hunter, so being able to skate on a Hunter gives me a reason to play the class. Without Worldline skating, I will not be using my Hunter for a while.