Corridors of Time reward and why it is not disappointing
Early this week on reset Bungie gave us a new quest. Explore the corridors of time. At first, we were just taking the codes off of the obelisks for the lore entries. At the same time, some of the streamers and RaidSecrets gamers were using the codes and the codes that popped up underneath each lore piece to attempt to find the next code before it was released. One player ended up brute-forcing the emblem code before it was released.
Once they made it to the room that gave them the emblem, they realized there was a code underneath. This code was unique to each individual and each of their characters. It also changed every hour, with two different possibilities per character if I remember correctly. This lead to a bunch of crowdsourcing of codes to build a map that contained 4 or 5 thousand pieces. They then had to find the correct pathway through the map.
At the end of all of this, we ended up getting a piece necessary for the Exotic Primary Fusion Rifle called “Bastion”. Which has some of the people in the community FURIOUS! “We had to do all that bullsh*t for an exotic we already knew we were going to get?! Screw that!”
I do not share in this sentiment, I am not completely disappointed. I am slightly, but, I have a few reasons as to why I am not.
First, they gave us the chance to earn the Bastion early. Which, I understand is a bit of a double-edged sword. Yes, we got it early, but now we don’t get any new content for a couple of weeks. Whatever, not the point I am trying to make. My point is that Bungie gave us a fun opportunity to earn the new exotic weapon early.
Second, we sorta brought this on ourselves. We got ourselves, as a community, too hyped up for the outcome. Maybe we’re getting the OG exotic swords, maybe the Vex Mythoclast, or maybe the Gjallarhorn. (I myself was spouting the narrative of it being the Gjallarhorn. Despite the fact that it would not have made sense lore-wise or common sense wise.) We got our hopes up just to be let down.
Third, the reward isn’t the most important aspect of the puzzle. As corny and sh*tty this may sound, but the journey was much more important than the destination. Bungie gave us an activity that brought the community in a very effective way. The streamers, RaidSecrets nerds and other secret chasing Destiny gamers worked for 15 or 16 hours a day for a week to solve the puzzle. The rest of the community sent in their pieces of the puzzle or joined the streamers to give them their piece. It was a fun event that brought the Destiny community closer, that’s better than a Gjallarhorn…right? *sigh* no… :(
Last, the weapon itself is not bad. I haven’t found any real uses for it in PvE yet. But, in PvP, this thing slaps. It has the range of a slug shotgun, without the need to hit a headshot to get the kill.
All in all, Bungie gave us a beautiful community event that forced us to look at the game in a much different way. It was similar to Niobe Labs, yet it succeeded. The only big difference was that Niobe Labs took place in-game, whereas the Corridors of Time were primarily done via spreadsheet and photoshop.